Find Your Ideal Black Therapist in 5 Easy Steps

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Welcome home 🧡

Are you a black woman looking for culturally appropriate mental health and other personal transformation services? Are you tired of paying your therapist or coach to explain to them who you are and have them still not get it? Have you felt misunderstood, decontextualized or simply not seen in a space that was meant to be safe and healing? Do you long to live and thrive in your skin as everything that you are? And, most importantly, are you ready to take back the authorship of your identity?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in the right place. 

Hi, I am Yema!

I help Black women who want to reconnect with themselves and their roots go from feeling misaligned, disconnected and alone in their search to feeling clear, aligned, and connected so they can find meaning and purpose in life as exactly who they are. 

I have been working with black women since 2016 as a psychotherapist and healer using a liberatory and culturally minded approach to psychotherapy, nurturing community, and sharing knowledge.

I am Angolan but live in Copenhagen, Denmark. One of my superpowers is to joyfully navigate different cultures, which helps me support women from many different backgrounds, in different countries around the world - some navigating multiple cultures themselves.

How Can I Help You?

Individual Therapy

Let me hold your hand as you go on this journey of healing and self-discovery. I will help you find the path home to yourself and embrace the power that lies within you to be exactly who you came to be in the world.

Black Woman Sanctuary

This is a space for black women who want to join the movement for Feminine Black Liberation. This is for you if you want to reconnect to yourself, reconnect to your roots, and you want a community to support you on that journey.

African Spirituality and Mental Health

A course that teaches you how to incorporate the principles of African spirituality into your life for good mental health and general well-being.

What Clients Say...

All testimonials are anonymous to protect client confidentiality.

During my journey with Yema I went through very difficult moments, big moments of realization, and very happy moments, and I realized that for the first time, I was able to speak about the full spectrum of my experience without having to focus only on specific elements. I could also explore my spirituality and integrate it in the work I was doing on myself without fearing judgment, misunderstandings or interpretations that arise from lack of knowledge on the matter or from a strictly Western-centric view of spirituality. That allowed me to create a new, special bond with my African roots, the history of my family, and my identity.

Anonymous, Stockholm

I am very grateful to Yema and her ability to hold emotional and spiritual space. Yema has a calm energy and made me feel safe in our sessions. I felt understood and she was always able to “see and meet me” in whatever I was going through. In our journey together, I learned to identify larger life patterns, which helped me regain a stronger sense of self and a more caring relationship to  myself.

Anonymous, Copenhagen

I found Yema to be a kindred spirit: warm, empathetic, and yet hitting on the right spots that made me rethink my established beliefs. I found that my conversations with her challenged my view of self and how I see the world. However it was never forceful, we always walked at the pace I was ready to unlock pieces of myself. 

I have always had a good sense of self-awareness and my goals. However, my sessions with Yema helped me to begin the journey of reckoning that the person I am becoming isn't an overnight formula. Rather, I should be kind and patient with myself in the journey of 'becoming'.

Anonymous, Copenhagen

A big change for me was learning to listen to and trust my thoughts, opinions and intuition in all parts of my life, even if contradictory to others opinions. I also struggled massively with emotions prior to working with Yema. I have a lot more confidence in expressing my own opinion now, without so much fear of being wrong or having a different opinion to others. I am a lot more confident in doing what is best for me, instead of what is best for others /what keeps everyone else happy, and a lot better at allowing myself to feel my emotions, understand why I feel like I do, and not berating myself for even having any emotions. Critically I finally feel like I'm living my life for me instead of for

everyone else.

Anonymous, Copenhagen

I believe that me working with Yema was something my ancestors knew I needed. I was very much tired of working with therapists who were not aligned with my ethos and how I see healing as something more than my sole emotional work. My journey with Yema was something bigger than myself, a healing much needed for me, my ancestors and descendants. My work was not supposed to be just my own. I was led to Yema, she created a space where my ancestors were finally accepted to be in this healing work with me while they used her expertise to help me remember, acknowledge and address not only the trauma but also the blessings of my ancestors that I was too preoccupied with life to receive. Yema supported my journey back home to myself, to my purpose, and to embrace the bravery of my life journey.

Anonymous, Brussels

Yema came into my life in 2020 and it felt like my ancestors sent her. I didn't have to explain or educate on my experiences navigating Danish society as a Black Danish woman. She got it and I could breathe. Her cosmologies align with mine, and knowing that therapy can be this beautiful mix of shadow work, spiritual practice, rest, and black girl magic, sprinkled with a bit of 'forget about their table, we're building our own house' coaching, has shaped and changed me forever.

Anonymous, Copenhagen

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Yema Ferreira Psychotherapy and Coaching

CVR: 40396039

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